Artist Statement
I’m fascinated by cities because there is so much to see and discover. Everywhere you go, there are stories to be found – and seen. Many factors go into determining the physical structure of any city and what people and events we see there. My work is about telling these stories using visual media.
I use digital images to create two and three dimensional works on and of paper. Generally the images I use are my own photos, though I use scanned images of historic photos for some pieces. I do my own printing, generally on fine art matte papers; and the prints tend to look more like hand pulled prints than photographs.
A throughline in my work is portraying cities – most often Washington DC. Much of my two dimensional work has focused on the built environment of Washington and historic change in the city, while my lenticulars have focused on the social-political life of the city as well. Another aspect of my work is my interest in exploring forms and structures; this is reflected in my sculptural artist books and other sculptural paper works.
I’ve always liked to learn stories, and to repeat and interpret them. I loved teaching. I might have been a historian or a reporter; my art is a way of being both using visual media. I hope my work inspires people to look more closely and thoughtfully at the world around them.
DC Carnegie Library - seen from steps of the National Portrait Gallery